
Tip for Individual Assignment

OK, so here is an easier way to approach the individual assignment ;-)

This example is for quadrant 3, but it applies to all of the other ones. To gather more data on how the frequencies of numbers change as the cycles progess, instead of running the box 1 cycle at a time, do the following:

1) Before it runs, on cycle 1, write down or print the initial state of one of the quadrants.

2) Then run it for, say, 40 cycles. Observe the new matrix. There will have been 40 changes in the quadrant, though you will observe less than these because the same cell may have changed more than once or changed into the same digit. Collect the set of N digits that changed -- all you have to do is compare the two matrices and spot the differences. Now calculate the frequency of each digit, for example: #0's = 8, #1's =13, #2's = 9, .... Calculate the relative frequency and histogram #0's/N, #1's/N, ...

3) Now run it for 100 cycles. Write down or print the new state of the matrix. Do the
same thing as in 2): run another 40 cycles and collect a new set of changes.

4) Now run it for 300 cycles. Write down or print the new state of the matrix. Do the same thing as in 2): run another 40 cycles and collect a new set of changes.

5) compare the 3 different frequency distributions you got. Note that the number of changes N you will observe in 2) 3) and 4) will decrease, as the matrix will tend to be filled with 0's.

Hope this helps!

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Blogger Max C. said...

Thats what I was gonna do already....oh well, I still will

9:12 PM  

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